mHPB is a mobile application that offers users:– Opening a SuperSmart HPB current and/or giro account– Mobile banking service for individuals and businesses– Mobile token (mToken) service for individuals and businesses– Services and tools– User registration for eGotovinaSUPERSMART HPB ACCOUNTBy opening a SuperSmart HPB account, you get:– current and/or giro account– a debit card for a current account and/or giro account- mHPBAccount opening is carried out online at the clients request. A prerequisite is the download of the mHPB application, within which the process of opening an account is started. The account is opened through a video call through which all necessary information is exchanged between the client and the Bank. After the video conversation, the client accepts all the necessary documentation and activates the mHPB service.Personal data that you will provide to the Bank by downloading and/or using the application is processed by the Bank for the purpose of realizing the requested service and realizing the contractual relationship. Find out about your rights and the principles of personal data processing available in the Personal Data Protection Policy of Hrvatska poštanska banka, a joint-stock company on the website BANKING FOR INDIVIDUALS ENABLES– Insight into the balance, turnover and details of the account- Issuance of all types of payment orders– Overview of cards and actions by cards– Creating a code to withdraw cash without a card and send money to another person- ePoslovnicu - direct communication with a Bank employee- Possibility to buy GSM and ENC vouchers- Contracting of eInvoices– Issuance, exchange and redemption of shares in HPB Invest– Receiving notices and notificationsMOBILE BANKING FOR BUSINESS ENTITIES ENABLES– Insight into the balance, turnover and details of the account- Issuance of all types of payment orders– Overview of cards and actions by cards– Review and download of statements– View and download fees– Receiving notices and notificationsSecurity measuresThe mHPB application is safe and easy to use with installed high-security software that provides peace of mind when accessing and working in mBanking and mToken applications. Access is not possible without entering a PIN known only to the user and/or using the selected biometric method. By repeatedly entering the wrong PIN and in case of inactivity, the application is locked for security reasons and requires a new login.